Tag: white diamonds

The Enigma | The Largest Polished Black Diamond in the World

In the realm of precious gemstones, diamonds have always captivated the human imagination with their brilliance and rarity. Among the myriad of diamonds, black diamonds stand out as enigmatic and mysterious. The Enigma, recognized as the largest polished black diamond in the world, holds a unique place in the pantheon of gemstones. This article delves into the intriguing world of black diamonds, exploring how they are graded, their characteristic features, and addressing the age-old question of whether The Enigma, or any black diamond for that matter, originated from outer space.


How Are Black Diamonds Graded

Traditional white diamonds are graded based on the four Cs: carat weight, cut, color, and clarity. However, black diamonds follow a slightly different grading system. Unlike their colorless counterparts, black diamonds are not valued for their lack of color but are instead prized for their deep, rich black hue. The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) grades black diamonds based on tone and saturation. Tone refers to the darkness or lightness of the black, while saturation measures the intensity of the color. The most coveted black diamonds exhibit a solid, opaque black with minimal undertones. Here’s how black diamonds are graded:

How Are Black Diamonds Graded

  1. Color:
    • Unlike colorless diamonds where absence of color is prized, black diamonds are valued for their deep, rich black color.
    • The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) assesses black diamonds based on tone and saturation.
    • Tone: Refers to the darkness or lightness of the black color. A high-quality black diamond will have a solid, opaque black color without visible color undertones.
    • Saturation: Measures the intensity of the black color. A more saturated black diamond will exhibit a deeper and more vivid black hue.
  2. Clarity:
    • Clarity in black diamonds is related to the presence of inclusions, which are often dark minerals like graphite or hematite.
    • Some inclusions, when they do not affect the structural integrity of the diamond, can enhance the overall appearance by contributing to the stone’s unique character.
  3. Cut:
    • The cut of a black diamond is essential for bringing out its best visual appeal, even though black diamonds do not sparkle in the traditional sense.
    • Well-executed cuts enhance the symmetry and proportions, ensuring that the diamond displays a pleasing overall appearance.
  4. Carat Weight:
    • Carat weight is a universal metric for diamonds, measuring the size of the stone.
    • Larger black diamonds are generally rarer and may command higher prices, but other factors such as color and clarity play a crucial role in determining value.

It’s important to note that the grading of black diamonds is subjective, and personal preferences can also influence the perception of their beauty. While some may prefer a completely opaque and solid black appearance, others might appreciate a subtle play of tones within the stone. The uniqueness of black diamonds lies in their unconventional beauty and the distinct criteria used to evaluate and appreciate their characteristics.


Characteristic Features of Black Diamonds

Black diamonds are distinct in appearance, owing to their unique formation and mineral inclusions. Unlike traditional diamonds that sparkle with facets and brilliance, black diamonds have a more subdued, mysterious allure. Their opaque nature absorbs light, giving them a velvety appearance. These diamonds often showcase inclusions of graphite or hematite, contributing to their black coloration. The Enigma, as the largest polished black diamond, is likely to exhibit these characteristics on a grand scale, making it a remarkable specimen in the world of gemstones. Here are some characteristic features of black diamonds:

  1. Color:
    • The most obvious and defining characteristic of black diamonds is their deep, rich black color. Unlike traditional diamonds, which are valued for their colorlessness, black diamonds derive their beauty from their opaque, solid black hue.
    • Some black diamonds may exhibit undertones of other colors, but the most prized specimens have a uniform and intense black coloration.
  2. Opacity:
    • Black diamonds are generally opaque, meaning they do not transmit light in the same way as transparent or translucent gemstones. Instead of sparkling with facets, black diamonds have a velvety appearance that absorbs light, creating a mysterious and elegant aesthetic.
  3. Inclusions:
    • Black diamonds often contain inclusions, which are internal imperfections or mineral deposits. Common inclusions in black diamonds include graphite and hematite.
    • These inclusions contribute to the black color of the diamond and add to its unique character. Some black diamonds may even have a pattern of inclusions that enhances their visual appeal.
  4. Surface Luster:
    • Black diamonds typically have a high luster or sheen on their surface. This luster adds to the stone’s overall attractiveness, even though it does not produce the traditional sparkle associated with colorless diamonds.
  5. Unconventional Beauty:
    • The unconventional beauty of black diamonds lies in their ability to defy traditional expectations. While colorless diamonds are celebrated for their brilliance and fire, black diamonds captivate with their enigmatic and understated elegance.
    • The unique appearance of black diamonds makes them a popular choice for those seeking a non-traditional and distinctive gemstone.


Did It Come From Space?

One of the enduring myths surrounding black diamonds is their supposed extraterrestrial origin. While the idea of diamonds falling from the heavens captures the imagination, the scientific consensus is that black diamonds are terrestrial in nature. These diamonds are believed to have originated from the Earth’s mantle, where unique conditions led to their distinctive color and composition. The Enigma, too, is likely a product of these geological processes, adding to the allure of its earthly origins.


Other Black Diamonds

Amsterdam Diamond

Beyond The Enigma, several other notable black diamonds have left their mark on the gemstone world. The Black Orlov, also known as the Eye of Brahma, is a legendary black diamond with a rich history and reputed curse. The Amsterdam Diamond, a 33.74-carat black diamond, is another significant example. Each black diamond possesses its own story, contributing to the mystique and fascination surrounding these exceptional gemstones.



The Enigma stands as a testament to the captivating world of black diamonds, showcasing the beauty that can be found in the darkest corners of the Earth. As the largest polished black diamond, it invites us to explore the unique grading criteria, characteristic features, and the enduring question of its extraterrestrial origins. Whether terrestrial or celestial in origin, The Enigma and its black diamond counterparts continue to fascinate gemstone enthusiasts, adding a touch of mystery to the already enchanting world of precious stones.…